
an interesting read

just finished reading a two-part article by mike breen on discipleship and the "missional" movement. it rightly says that the missional movement will fail without proper disciple-making. it calls discipleship "the engine of the church" and defines it as becoming "who Jesus would be if He were you." sounds simple enough, right? not really.

discipleship is easy to talk about, but often hard to realize in everyday life. yet it is the most crucial issue facing the church today. i would even argue that it is the mission of Jesus' church. as the article says "if you make disciples, you will always get the church. but if you try to build the church, you will rarely get disciples." churches are growing exponentially where people "get" disciple-making, and they are slowly dying off where it is not being practiced. if we claim to follow Jesus, we must also obey His command to make disciples who make disciples.

so, the obvious question to myself and to you is... are you making disciples?

you can read part 1 and 2 of the article by clicking on those links.

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