
life themes

have you ever noticed when your life seems to take on a certain "theme" for an extended period of time? when everything that youre reading happens to be talking about the same general topic? when conversations seem to steer themselves to that topic?

well, i do. for example, in college i seemed to always be reading, hearing and studying about God's faithfulness. as this was happening, i would see His faithfulness on display time and time again in my life and in the lives of people around me. this "theme" continued for several years. the craziest thing is that now i actually believe it to be true. God is faithful. it took me a while, but i know that now. not solely in an intellectual way. but through experience.

ever had that happen? i may be alone in this. it may mean that im just a slow learner, but it seems like this is how God often teaches me. but this is the type of teaching that causes real life change. i see life very differently after a "theme" passes. i am changed.

lately, it seems like i have had more "themes" on the burner than normal. i guess i have unknowingly graduated to spiritual pre-school. and here they are:
  • God's goodness and care for His children
  • though often hard to understand, God's timing is always perfect
  • the spiritual battle that we are born into and Jesus' victory over it
  • lies that we believe to be true
i say all this to ask you, what is God currently teaching you?

i would love to hear about your "themes." feel free to share your thoughts and comments.

im off to bed.

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