
reason why latvia is the bomb #9: čipsi

i have recently begun venturing out and experimenting with various types of food in latvia. one of the foods i have begun experimenting with is the chip. thankfully, latvia has a decent selection of chips to choose from. i found out about "hops" (pictured above) mostly by accident. the store i shop at had a 3-for-1 sale and the cheapskate in me could not resist giving them a try. i was pleasantly surprised. the thing that initially threw me off was that the chips came in long strips and it felt like eating a chip flavored ruler... except they tasted good! as far as taste goes, i would compare them to the pringle and it is no surprise that they similarly addicting. once you pop of these hops, you cannot stop!

speaking of oddly shaped chips... where else can you find heart-shaped chips? thats right, latvia.

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