if youre interested in watching the videos from our recent conference on the fatherhood of God, you can watch all six sessions here! you can also download and fill in the workbook in latvian and english.
thats usually my reaction when a group i like gives away free music. and usually they will give away a song, or if you're lucky, a free album. which is very generous! but rarely will you ever find a group who gives all (11) of their albums away for free. now i present to you page cxvi...
"Exciting news!!! PageCXVI and The Autumn Film are still celebrating 7 years of music by giving away their entire discography from both their projects Page CXVI and The Autumn Film*. Noisetrade has partnered with them for our March Jubilee Giveaway! They are thrilled and honored to work with an outstanding team of people who care deeply about music. If you have not already downloaded their 74 song, 11 album, 2 band giveaway please visit their giveaway on Noisetrade now! Blessings, PageCXVI"